It’s something that no one wants to deal with: not having heat in the middle of winter. Unfortunately, heating system breakdowns happen to homeowners all too frequently and often result in the need for potentially costly emergency repairs.
Your heating system doesn’t have to leave you in the cold this winter. Many of the issues that result in breakdowns can be taken care of with several quick and easy steps. In order to avoid not having heat this winter and needing to pay for heating system repairs, here are a few tips.
Remember About Annual HVAC Maintenance
The number-one method for avoiding expensive HVAC repairs is by having annual maintenance performed on your heating and cooling systems. With HVAC maintenance, your furnace, boiler, or heat pump will be tuned-up for optimal performance which results in a reduced chance of breakdowns, improved energy efficiency, and greater comfort.
Clean or Replace Your HVAC System’s Filter Regularly
If you have a furnace or a heat pump, the air filter needs to be cleaned or replaced frequently in order to ensure proper system functioning, as well as healthy indoor air quality. During the heating season, you should ideally check the filter each month to prevent buildup from affecting your home comfort and health.
Replace Your Heating System Every Decade
It really depends on what kind of system you have and how well maintained it’s been, but most heating systems are only built to last about 10 to 15 years. So if you have an outdated heating system, by making the investment and replacing it now, you’ll spare yourself from the inevitable discomfort and expense a breakdown will bring.
Make Home Improvements for Greater Comfort & Energy Efficiency
Although your Peoria, IL area home’s heating system is essential to a comfortable winter, it’s also important to remember about the other parts of your home that play a role in keeping you warm. Air sealing and insulation, for example, will keep heat in so that you won’t have to turn the heat up too high. An air sealed and well-insulated home will result in less strain on your heating system, improved comfort, and lower energy bills. So if you’re wondering how else you can stay warm, make sure you get a home energy audit to see which other improvements can help.